If you’re now at the stage in your coaching business that you would like to leverage Facebook™ and Instagram™ to scale your business and gain new leads..then be sure to read this article, Do This BEFORE Running Your Ads!
I can guarantee you, this will save you a lot of heart ache and money if you do this before running your ads.
Take some time to really understand your audience
Research them.
What do they like?
What are their interests?
Who are they following?
What are their pain points? and how do they make them feel?
Work out your ad strategy and map out your funnel
You need to have various stages of the sales process mapped out in your funnel. For example;
How are you going to warm up your audience?
How will you be retargeting your warm leads?
Don’t expect to run a conversion campaign and get a high ROI (return on investment) if you’ve not ran any other ads beforehand.
What are you offering?
Take some time to really get your offer right. If it’s a new offer, be sure to test this organically first.
Is it something your audience wants and needs right now?
What are the outcomes for them when they take your offer?
Get clear on your messaging
You need to have various hooks and various copy to test for your Ads.
All of which need to speak to your ideal client.
They need to stand out, hit a nerve – so be sure to make them emotive.
Have ready multiple visual creatives for your ads
I strongly advise you not to just rely on the one image. What works for some, may not work for many.
You will need to try video, carousel, and a few single images at the very least.
The key here is to test them and find out which ones convert.
What is your overall ad spend – your budget?
Work out how much money you want to invest overall.
TIP: You will need more ad spend for a sales conversion campaign than you would for a traffic campaign.
How much is 1 sale worth to you?
If you are looking to start using Facebook & Instagram ads to help grow your business, but you’re not sure where to start and you would love some help to get your ad campaign up and running – click here to send me a note. We can then set up a call to discuss your options.