Coming up with content for your social media platforms can be exhausting, especially when there is so much to do elsewhere in your business, right? So, let me ask you – are you using content pillars for your social media?
If you’re not familiar with content pillars, they are topics or themes that you create that represents your business, your brand and what you offer and how you help your ideal customers.
Using content pillars for your social media strategy will help you to maintain consistency
Using content pillars for your social media strategy will help you to maintain consistency, they will help you to keep organised and it helps you to create content more easily because you have a plan to work with.
So no more worrying, wondering and procrastinating about what to post. Yay!
Your content pillars will act as a framework to help keep you inspired so that you can create more content that you know your ideal audience is looking for.
You’ll start to build up a bank of content for each content pillar which you can use over and over again – with perhaps some small tweaks to keep them fresh.
One of the great things about using content pillars is that you will start to see what type of content has generated more engagement, more interest, more sales – so this helps you to tailor future content.
If you’re looking to gain clarity and get specific with your social media content so you can grow your business – click here to find out how I can help you.
With my Done For You Social Media Marketing Plan, you’ll never miss a day of posting valuable content, you’ll never miss an opportunity to make new connections and grow your audience and you’ll have more time to focus on other areas of your business.